4 Extremely Simple Things That Helped Make My Life A Lot Better

My life is a whirlwind of chaos sometimes. And I’m not exactly the kind of girl who does hour-long meditations. I’m the kind of girl though who comes up with real solutions. I know I’m a mess. I know I’m chaos walking. I’m not trying to be Miss Go with the Flow all the sudden.ContinueContinue reading “4 Extremely Simple Things That Helped Make My Life A Lot Better”

Consider This the Before Picture

I’m not really crafty. Or handy. Or imaginative with projects. But somehow, someway, with the help of the internet, I’m going to do something with these items that I got at the lumberjack show at the Tennessee State Fair. I don’t know what I’m going to do, really, beyond sanding the little chair and staining it.ContinueContinue reading “Consider This the Before Picture”