What Happiness Looks Like

Today, for the first time in a very long time, I felt content and peaceful. I felt optimistic. I felt downright happy.  This feeling has sort of been with me all day, but it just hit me tonight in the oddest way. I was putting away dishes while listening to Christmas music. A mundane, unmemorableContinueContinue reading “What Happiness Looks Like”

Who Am I Without All the Adjectives?

With the place I’ve been in lately (spoiler alert: a really bad one), I’ve been searching for answers. It hasn’t been a perfectly linear journey, but the things I have found have been eye-opening. Case in point: this wonderful, wonderful blog post from Therapy Beyond the Couch. It walks you through an exercise about your “deepestContinueContinue reading “Who Am I Without All the Adjectives?”