[RePlug] Haircuts and Paid Bills

I’m not the best at keeping up with my appearance. I do in my own way, but my style is low maintenance. It’s a big deal to me when I take the time and effort to schedule and pay for a haircut. Then there’s the annoyance of where to go. Great clips has burned meContinueContinue reading “[RePlug] Haircuts and Paid Bills”

They Want Me to Find the Gray Area, but I’m Full-Blown Color

I once had a friend tell me, “scruples and you never got along well, did you?”. An ex-boyfriend told me that I did “no things by halves”. I never thought of myself as an extremist–all up or all down, all in or all out, passionate or totally apathetic, black or white. But maybe I am. The moreContinueContinue reading “They Want Me to Find the Gray Area, but I’m Full-Blown Color”

[Re-Plug] Adult Things That Some Adults Don’t Do

I used to be good with money. Then I lost my job (twice in 12 months), got into massive debt, fell into depression, and stopped caring how much money I spent. In the past six months, I’ve realized I need some extra assistance with how to budget. Despite what my pride told me, budgeting was noContinueContinue reading “[Re-Plug] Adult Things That Some Adults Don’t Do”

How I Learned to Admire Those Incompetent Idiots Who Get Promoted Against All Odds

Today has been a big day for me at work. First, I won an award for excellent customer service, which had me a) wiping away tears and trying not to full-on cry, b) smiling incredibly big, c) reflecting on all those times I provided amazing service and how it’s finally paying off, and d) mentallyContinueContinue reading “How I Learned to Admire Those Incompetent Idiots Who Get Promoted Against All Odds”