This Life Hack Literally Changed My Life

unplug initiative life hacks. this life hack literally changed my life.

Okay, I know the title sounds like clickbait garbage–and it is–but it’s also true.

I started using a random list picker to help me make decisions, and it’s truly a game changer.

What? I know you’re thinking to yourself. Is she really going to write a whole blog post about this? Yes, I am. You’ll see why it’s so important to me.

If you struggle with executive dysfunction, you’ll know what I mean when I say I just can’t make decisions sometimes. I hate to be indecisive, but sometimes I’m literally paralyzed and cannot choose. It’s like something is physically stopping me.

The random list picker (exactly what it sounds—a randomized tool that will pick from a list of options) takes all the pressure off me to make a decision. It frees up mental energy, allowing me to concentrate it somewhere else.

In a perfect world, I’d have time for everything on my to-do list. In reality, I have to pick and choose. Typically, I want to do something fun or relaxing, then something a bit harder, but more productivity-based. Then, there’s the matter of chores around the house, like cleaning.

But it’s so hard to just get started and make a choice! I agonize over these decisions so much I often end up not doing anything. That might seem counter-productive, but if you know someone like me (or you are someone like me), you might begin to understand how being overwhelmed by choice can cause someone to shut down.

Since decision-making was the core obstacle to getting stuff done, even things I enjoyed doing, I came up with a solution. Use a random list picker to help me decide. When I first tried it, I was shocked at how unbelievably easy it was to then do the thing it chose. I didn’t feel agonizing guilt or anxiety that I had chosen the wrong thing, or that something else wasn’t getting done.

I felt relief. I felt energy.

I’m telling y’all—it changed my life!

Examples of how I use it

Let’s say I want to do something productive, as in, something for my personal growth. It may not be fun in a traditional sense, but I want the benefits of doing this thing. It includes items like learning Italian, working out (something I never want to do), writing, or doing mental health work, like journaling. Load them in the list picker and then–voila! Choice made for me.

Another example is with chores around the house. Do I want to vacuum, de-clutter the kitchen table, or fold laundry? I don’t know! I’d rather do anything else on Earth! But I guess I’ll use the list picker to help me get started.

Finally, my favorite use is to help me pick workout videos on YouTube. Once the picker has chosen what type of workout, I switch to the roll dice option and go to that number on the YouTube search results page. I skip over videos that are related but not relevant to my current search term. For example, let’s say I’m searching for leg workouts. I would skip over core workouts or general advice videos. I only count leg workouts when counting to the number on the dice.

It is as simple as using the list picker, and then doing what it chooses. No second-guessing, no dragging my feet. There’s something magical about it. I’m just able to do it!

How to Use the List Picker

I googled “random list picker” and chose randomlists. But any random picker will do.

Input the items you want to decide between.

Let fate decide.

Real life example of using the list picker for which writing topic I will focus on
My random list picker result is random list picker. Cool!

You might realize once the bot decides what you should do that you don’t really want to do X thing and you were hoping to get Y item. That’s still a sign that you should be doing Y! So the random picker is still helping you decide. For example, you get a return of “practice drawing” when you really wanted “knitting”. You’d be better off knitting.

Of course this isn’t life or death

None of this is that important. Could I just randomly pick myself? Yes. But then I wouldn’t have executive dysfunction and my life would be a lot easier. This is a life hack for a reason. It solves a problem I have. I love that it’s not a huge problem, but it’s just as life-changing as solving something much bigger. Hey, maybe that means it was a big problem.

However you slice it, I’m doing a whole lot better because of it.

If it works, it’s not dumb.

Published by Jessica

Writer, YouTuber, streamer, gamer, yogi, self-improver--still trying to figure it all out

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