[Re-Plug] What I Did Today

What is a normal daily task for many people is a month-long stare down for me. So that’s why cleaning my living room is my re-plug. Though I actually had a rare block of time not at school or work, I chose to forego Netflix, Tumblr, and napping to do some serious cleaning. You can’tContinueContinue reading “[Re-Plug] What I Did Today”

I’m Going Nowhere; That’s Where I Came From Too

The title is a throwaway line from a poem I wrote a long time ago. It’s a good representation for how I feel right now. I can’t tell anymore where I’m going. It feels like I’ve always been on the road I’m on now, with no end in sight. There’s hasn’t been much re-plug in myContinueContinue reading “I’m Going Nowhere; That’s Where I Came From Too”