Cliches and Expressions I Continue to Enjoy (For Whatever Reason)

Previously, I wrote about dumb cliches that have no place in our modern vocabulary/are just annoying and pointless. In the spirit of “why not”, I decided to share some more oft-repeated, even cliche phrases that I do like. We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it – I like crossing bridges. They are symbolic and usually placedContinueContinue reading “Cliches and Expressions I Continue to Enjoy (For Whatever Reason)”

[Re-Plug] Interval Cleaning

I haven’t been the best about showing my “replugs” or even calling them that, like a good, consistent blogger. But that doesn’t mean I’m not getting stuff done or being productive, in some way. But back to form a little, here’s what I did: vacuumed my car out! Yay! It’s winter, and winter is messyContinueContinue reading “[Re-Plug] Interval Cleaning”

You Don’t Mean That: Cliches, Phrases, and Expressions That Are Ineffective

This is a throwback to a post I made on my old iteration of this blog back in 2012 called “Popular Cliches and Why They Suck” on blogspot. I am re-doing it here with a nice and shiny 2016 upgrade. I think oftentimes, we use idiomatic, colloquial, informal language in conversation because it adds depthContinueContinue reading “You Don’t Mean That: Cliches, Phrases, and Expressions That Are Ineffective”

The Payoff Plan: How I’m Paying Off My Debts

They say there’s nothing sure in life except debt and taxes. (That’s the saying, right?) I shared previously how my bouts with unemployment ran me into the ground emotionally and mentally. A fun side effect was the pile of debt I incurred. Defeat was not an option. And so I arose to the occasion with my PayoffContinueContinue reading “The Payoff Plan: How I’m Paying Off My Debts”

Take Care of Yourself

How to take care of yourself, when you don’t know where to start? Start with something small. So small you might not even realize you’re doing something big. But if it’s so small, why haven’t you done it yet? FOR INSTANCE! I love lotion. I love the way it smells. I love taking care ofContinueContinue reading “Take Care of Yourself”