Putting Up Walls Isn’t Always Bad

You’ve most certainly heard people talk about the “walls” around someone’s heart, often their own. From romantics to poets to those who have been hurt and those who have been shut out, “putting up walls” seems to be a negative and gloomy concept. But putting up walls doesn’t have to be bad (unless you’re DonaldContinueContinue reading “Putting Up Walls Isn’t Always Bad”

[Re-Plug] A Giant Confidence Booster in an Unlikely Place

Allow me a moment to be proud of myself for a second: I fixed my boyfriend’s computer. And I FREAKING rocked it! While not exactly a computer programming genius, I, like most people of my generation, know my way around a computer and its basic fixes (also, they’re so damn intuitive, it’s hard not to).ContinueContinue reading “[Re-Plug] A Giant Confidence Booster in an Unlikely Place”

[Re-Plug] What I’ve Done Today…A List

Okay, so this list is stupid, right? WRONG. Well, you might still think it’s stupid, but the reason I would argue it’s not is that this a list I made on a bad mental health day. Instead of making a to-do list to accomplish, I did the opposite: I made a list of all the stuffContinueContinue reading “[Re-Plug] What I’ve Done Today…A List”

Scribble Scrabble

I haven’t been feeling so great lately. Bored by my usual pleasurable activities, down about absolutely nothing, and feeling unusually morose, I don’t know what to do to make it better. Yes, I have the Bare Minimum to always go to, but I needed to take a more in-depth approach. So I came up withContinueContinue reading “Scribble Scrabble”